Lunch Program

As part of the Burnaby School District’s School Meal Program, Capitol Hill is able to provide a hot lunch for students of our school.

Each month, students will receive a consent form envelope, a letter indicating the cost of the lunch program ($70.00), and the due date for when the envelope(s) must be returned to the school. All envelopes must be sealed.

If you have more than one child wishing to participate in the program, you may write one cheque. However, please fill out a separate envelope for each child.

Envelopes must be returned (sealed and signed) by the date marked on the menu letter.


Cycle Cycle DatesPayment Due DateMenu
Cycle 1Sep 4 - Sep 27Sept 6Cycle 1 Menu
Cycle 2Oct 1 - Oct 25Sept 20Cycle 2 Menu
Cycle 3Oct 28 - Nov 22Oct 18Cycle 3 Menu
Cycle 4Nov 25 - Dec 20Nov 15Cycle 4 Menu
Cycle 5Jan 6 - Jan 31Dec 18Cycle 5 Menu
Cycle 6Feb 3 - Feb 28Jan 24-Cycle 6
Cycle 7Mar 3 - Apr 4Feb 21Cycle 7
Cycle 8Apr 7 - May 2Mar 14-Cycle 8
Cycle 9May 5 - May 30Apr 25
Cycle 10Jun 2 -Jun 25May 23-



Instructions–How to Sign Up for Cash Online

Payment Options:

  1. Pay online.  Go to http://Burnaby.schoolcashonline.comcheck off “paid” online on the lunch envelope
  2. Pay by cheque.  Make payable to Capitol Hill Elementary School and print your child’s name and division on the front of the cheque.  NO Post Dated cheques please.
  3. Pay by cash.  Exact change only.